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Paul Glynn

Far too often, individuals participate in conversations without truly listening attentively. This lack of genuine listening can be frustrating for the person speaking, whether in a social setting or a sales environment, potentially impacting business relationships.

As a sales manager, one of the prevalent challenges you probably encounter is effectively leading, motivating, and inspiring the younger generation of Millennials within your sales team. Here's what you can do.

Why is it that salespeople are so awful? Is there a chance yours might look a bit like that too? How does that happen?

Sales and Marketing are often seen as almost competing with each other. And yet it's only when there is true alignment that the power of marketing can be effectively harnessed to produce revenue. In this blog we explore just how Sandler can help, not with sales, but with marketing.

You think the deal is done. All is good. And then they try to change what's already been agreed! What can you do? Particularly if it's a valuable logo or project!

We all hate prospecting. We all have to do it. So what propsecting methods actually work?

You probably don’t have time or the inclination to invest in training your managers. The negative results from the teams of even hard-working managers should make you think again.

You have a process for everything in your business; production, delivery, accounts and so on. But are you sure you have a process for sales? And a methodology that drives that process?

In the last blog post that I authored I was talking about Goal Setting. (

I didn’t address one of the biggest helps towards reaching your goals, so let’s look at it now. Habits. If you set good habits, that is to say routines that end up being automatic, then reaching your goals becomes far easier.

It’s that time of year. Tinsel, trees, baubles, gift-buying- and goal setting. The temptation is to leave Goal Setting until the beginning of the year (whatever time of year you are reading this blog, by the way, it’s a good time to set goals.) But the reason you might be tempted to leave it until the nearest next January is because you don’t want to set goals at all. Totally understandable. After all. who wants to set themselves up for failure? A challenge; look again at goal setting to see how you can make it work for you, not against you. But an early warning; if you’re serious about making goal setting a powerful force for success it will need the required time and thought dedicated to it.